STATEMENT: MIRA Coalition Issues Statement on Proposed Housing and Educational Support for Recent Arrivals

Boston, MA – In response to Governor Healey’s supplemental budget bill filing to support recent arrivals, Elizabeth Sweet, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition issued the following statement:
“We applaud Governor Healey for swiftly proposing $85 million to provide emergency housing and education support for the rapidly growing number of international arrivals coming to Massachusetts. It is essential that individuals escaping violence and political instability abroad receive critical, baseline assistance here in Massachusetts, like housing and education.

“As next steps, we not only urge the legislature to support the emergency assistance for recent arrivals, but we urge the Healey administration to partner with nonprofit immigrant service providers to implement assistance in the most effective manner possible. Service providers often speak the same language and share the same culture as those they serve, making them incredibly valuable partners for both the state and recent arrivals.”

MEDIA CONTACT: Alex Psilakis | (508) 641-9761